Primary Teacher Education Non-Thesis Master's Degree (Evening Education)

 About the Program  

◊ The Primary Teacher Education Non-Thesis Master's Program was established in 2021 under the Graduate School of Educational Sciences. The aim of this program is to provide the competencies to access, evaluate, interpret and apply information by carrying out scientific research, together with the expansion and deepening of knowledge in a field based on undergraduate degree qualifications. This program is carried out as evening education program.

◊ Head of Science: Prof.Dr. Süleyman CAN

 Information Package and Course Catalog ⇒

 Academic Staff  

  Prof.Dr. Süleyman CAN
Department of Primary Teacher Education
 +90252 211 1793
    Prof.Dr. Kasım YILDIRIM
Department of Primary Teacher Education
◊ +90252 211 5022
  Prof.Dr. Sabri SİDEKLİ
Department of Primary Teacher Education
 +90252 211 3189
    Prof. Dr. Burcu ŞENLER PEHLİVAN
Department of Primary Teacher Education
 +90252 211 5489


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Şadan ÖKMEN
Department of Primary Teacher Education
 +90252 211 1469
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sayım AKTAY
Department of Primary Teacher Education
 +90252 211 2225

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özkan ÇELİK
Department of Primary Teacher Education
 +90252 211  1799
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel GÜVEY AKTAY
Department of Primary Teacher Education
 +90252 211 5037

Assoc. Prof.Dr. Kısmet DELİVELİ
Department of Primary Teacher Education
 0252 211 1797
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper YORULMAZ
Department of Primary Teacher Education
 +90252 211 1761